Grants and awards

2021 The ROBUST Long-Term Program in preparation (Co-I)
2019-Ongoing Marie-Curie ITN, Natural Language for Explainable AI (Co-I)
2019 Mekelprize for responsible innovation
2019-Ongoing PhD studentship on "Representing diverse views for polarized topics online". This is a project with IBM Benelux, funded by CLICK_NL
2018-June 2022 Devising Metrics for Assessing Echo Chambers, Incivility, and Intolerance (funded by Twitter)
2017 Designing Artificial Advice Givers that Consider Perspective and Affect in Reasoning. Funded by the Delft Design for Values Open Subsidy.
2017 Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for Education and Learning: SuSPECT: Scaffolding Student PErspectives for Critical Thinking.
2017 TU Delft Technology Fellowship grant (success rate ~8%): ENSURE (ExplaiNing SeqUences in REcommendations)
2016 English Higher Education and Innovation Fund (HEIF) grant for the project: Data Science and Analytics Training and Engagement Services for Business. With Bogdan Gabrys (PI), Kaska Musial-Gabrys, Marcin Budka, and Paul Yoo.
2015 SICSA Postdoctoral and Early Career Researcher Exchanges (PECE) award
2014 Travel grant RefNet summer school on Psychological and Computational Models of Language Production
2013 Travel grant for course on Communication & Impact (2013)
2010 Travel grant by EPSRC grant EP/E011764/1, and the Royal Academy of Engineering
2008 Best student paper at Adaptive Hypermedia
2007 Recipient of full student scholarship and invited presenter in the doctoral session at the Recommender Systems Conference (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
2006 Recipient of student scholarship and presenter in the student sessions at the Recommender'06 Late Summer School Bilbao, Spain (2006)